Steve Williams vs Ludvig Borga (w/Jim Cornette)

Ludvig Borga takes him down with a gutwrench suplex.
Ludvig Borga goes for a flying clothesline, but Steve Williams counters it with
a duck-down move.
Steve Williams catches him in a belly-to-belly suplex.
Bill Alfonso counts: One, two, kickout.
Ludvig Borga goes for an elbowdrop, but Steve Williams counters it with
a roll away.
Steve Williams executes a sleeperhold.
Ludvig Borga breaks the hold after 15 seconds.
Ludvig Borga whips Steve Williams into the turnbuckle.
Ludvig Borga goes for a kneebreaker, but Steve Williams blocks it.
Jim Cornette throws Ludvig Borga the tennis racket, but Steve Williams
 intercepts it.
Steve Williams hits Ludvig Borga with it and goes for the pin.
Bill Alfonso counts: One, two, three.

The winner is Steve Williams. Time of match: 0:16:54

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Last updated: February 21, 2020