Dean Malenko (w/Ted DiBiase) vs Razor Ramon

Razor Ramon executes a sleeperhold.
Dean Malenko reaches the ropes after 3 seconds.
Dean Malenko hits Razor Ramon with a European uppercut.
Dean Malenko catches him in a sleeperhold.
Dean Malenko lets go after 5 seconds.
Dean Malenko executes a Dragon sleeper.
Razor Ramon breaks the hold after 29 seconds.
Razor Ramon whips Dean Malenko into the ropes.
Razor Ramon goes for a lariat, but Dean Malenko hits him with a dropkick to the
Dean Malenko executes a dropkick to the knee.
Dean Malenko executes a dropkick to the knee.
Dean Malenko catches Razor Ramon in a kneebreaker.
Dean Malenko takes him down with a half Boston.
Razor Ramon submits after 9 seconds.

The winner is Dean Malenko. Time of match: 0:04:04

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Last updated: February 21, 2020