Jimmy Del Rey (w/Jim Cornette) vs Cactus Jack

Jimmy Del Rey takes him down with a dropkick.
Jimmy Del Rey takes him down with a bodyslam.
Tom Prichard enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Man Mountain Rock enters the ring and throws Tom Prichard out of the ring.
Cactus Jack and Man Mountain Rock hit Jimmy Del Rey with a double elbowdrop.
Man Mountain Rock leaves the ring.
Cactus Jack nails him with a Tombstone.
Cactus Jack executes a choke slam.
Cactus Jack takes him down with a choke slam.
Cactus Jack executes the Leaping DDT and goes for the pin.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, Jim Cornette distracts Danny Davis.
Danny Davis disqualifies Jimmy Del Rey and Tom Prichard.

The winners are Cactus Jack and Man Mountain Rock. Time of match: 0:25:23

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Last updated: February 21, 2020