Davey Boy Smith vs Jimmy Del Rey (w/Jim Cornette)

1-2-3 Kid enters the ring and throws Tom Prichard out of the ring.
1-2-3 Kid leaves the ring.
Davey Boy Smith takes him down with a vertical suplex.
Davey Boy Smith executes a snap mare.
Davey Boy Smith whips Jimmy Del Rey into the turnbuckle.
Davey Boy Smith runs shoulder-first into the corner.
Davey Boy Smith takes him down with a back suplex.
Jim Cornette throws Jimmy Del Rey the tennis racket, but Davey Boy Smith
 intercepts it.
Davey Boy Smith tries to use it, but Jimmy Del Rey blocks the blow and
takes it away from him.
Jimmy Del Rey hits Davey Boy Smith with it and goes for the pin.
James Beard counts: One, two, three.

The winners are The Heavenly Bodies. Time of match: 0:29:33

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Last updated: February 21, 2020