Bret Hart vs Yokozuna (w/Jim Cornette)

Bret Hart runs shoulder-first into the corner.
Bret Hart whips Yokozuna into the ropes.
Bret Hart hits Yokozuna with an elbow.
Bret Hart is going for the pin.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Yokozuna catches him in a belly-to-belly suplex.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Yokozuna takes the salt-bucket and uses it on him.
Yokozuna whips Bret Hart into the turnbuckle.
Yokozuna runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Bret Hart lifts his knee.
Bret Hart is going for the pin.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, three.

The winner is Bret Hart. Time of match: 0:31:52

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Last updated: February 21, 2020