Big Titan vs Stan Lane (w/Jim Cornette)

Big Titan executes the Frankensteiner and goes for the pin.
There is no referee to count.
Big Titan gets back up.
Stan Lane whips Big Titan into the ropes, but Big Titan reverses it.
Big Titan misses with a kick.
Stan Lane misses with a kick.
Big Titan nails him with a roundhouse right.
Big Titan catches him in a belly-to-belly superplex.
There is no referee to count.
Jim Cornette enters the ring and hits Big Titan with the tennis racket.
Jim Cornette puts Stan Lane on top of Big Titan.
Earl Hebner is back on the job.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.

The winners are The Midnight Express. Time of match: 1:03:24

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Last updated: February 21, 2020