Lex Luger vs Barry Windham (w/Ted DiBiase)

Barry Windham takes him down with a snap mare.
Barry Windham nails him with a Hotshot.
Barry Windham nails him with a kneedrop.
Lex Luger takes him down with a piledriver.
Ted DiBiase jumps on the apron and distracts Earl Hebner.
Lex Luger executes the Rebel Rack.
Barry Windham rakes Luger's eyes after being trapped for 11 seconds.
Somebody jumps over the guard rail and sneaks into the ring.
Lex Luger goes for a gutwrench suplex on Barry Windham.
The unknown person runs into the ropes and nails Lex Luger with a lariat to the
The unknown person rolls out of the ring.
Earl Hebner is back on the job.
Barry Windham goes for the pin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.

The winner is Barry Windham. Time of match: 0:22:26

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Last updated: February 21, 2020