Ricky Morton vs Stan Lane (w/Jim Cornette)

Ricky Morton goes for an atomic drop, but Stan Lane counters it with
a bulldog headlock.
Stan Lane executes a superplex.
Stan Lane goes for a back suplex, but Ricky Morton counters it with
a cross-body block.
Ricky Morton bumps into Tim White.
There is no referee to count.
Ricky Morton gets back up.
Ricky Morton takes him down with a sleeperhold.
There is no referee there to ask Stan Lane.
Tim White is back on the job.
Bobby Eaton makes the save.
Jim Cornette throws Stan Lane the tennis racket.
Stan Lane hits Ricky Morton with it and goes for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.

The winners are The Midnight Express. Time of match: 0:16:58

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Last updated: February 21, 2020