Stan Hansen vs Lex Luger

Stan Hansen goes for a roundhouse right, but Lex Luger blocks it.
Lex Luger nails him with an elbowdrop.
Lex Luger executes a flying axhandle.
Lex Luger executes a bearhug.
Stan Hansen reaches the ropes after being trapped for 20 seconds.
Lex Luger executes a football tackle.
Lex Luger goes for a powerslam, but he can't do it.
Stan Hansen goes for the Lariat, but Lex Luger counters it with a duck-down move
Lex Luger takes him down with a short clothesline.
Lex Luger takes him down with a Gorilla Press.
Lex Luger whips Stan Hansen into the ropes, but Stan Hansen reverses it.
Lex Luger goes for a side suplex, but Stan Hansen blocks it.
Stan Hansen nails him with a chop.
Stan Hansen executes the Lariat and goes for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.

The winner is Stan Hansen. Time of match: 0:17:53

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Last updated: February 21, 2020