Ricky Morton vs Kwang (w/Harvey Wippleman)

Robert Gibson nails him with a legdrop.
Robert Gibson executes an abdominal stretch.
Hakushi makes the save.
Robert Gibson tags out to Ricky Morton.
Hakushi enters the ring and throws Robert Gibson out of the ring.
Hakushi catches Ricky Morton in a bodyslam.
Kwang goes for a flying kneedrop, but Ricky Morton counters it with a roll away.
Hakushi leaves the ring.
Ricky Morton goes for the a flying dropkick, but Harvey Wippleman shoves him off
 the turnbuckle.
Danny Davis disqualifies Kwang and Hakushi.

The winners are Rock'n'Roll Express. Time of match: 0:39:01

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Last updated: February 21, 2020