Yokozuna (w/Jim Cornette) vs Stan Hansen

Stan Hansen nails him with a roundhouse right.
Stan Hansen takes him down with a kick to the head.
Stan Hansen goes for a headbutt, but Yokozuna blocks it.
Yokozuna takes him down with a bearhug.
There is no referee there to ask Stan Hansen.
James Beard is back on the job.
Stan Hansen reaches the ropes after being trapped for 12 seconds.
Yokozuna takes him down with a back suplex.
Yokozuna whips Stan Hansen into the turnbuckle, but Stan Hansen reverses it.
Stan Hansen gives him a kick to the head, but Yokozuna only stares at him.
Stan Hansen goes for a dropkick, but Yokozuna counters it with a side step.
Yokozuna takes him down with an elbowdrop.
Yokozuna nails him with a legdrop.
Yokozuna is going for the pin.
James Beard counts: One, two, three.

The winner is Yokozuna. Time of match: 0:13:46

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Last updated: February 21, 2020