Bruiser Bedlam (w/Jim Cornette) vs Razor Ramon

Razor Ramon executes the Razor's Edge and goes for the pin.
Bill Alfonso counts: One, two, Jim Cornette distracts Bill Alfonso.
Razor Ramon goes for a piledriver, but Bruiser Bedlam blocks it.
Bruiser Bedlam goes for a back suplex, but Razor Ramon counters it with
a cross-body block.
There is no referee to count.
Jim Cornette enters the ring and hits Razor Ramon with the tennis racket.
Jim Cornette puts Bruiser Bedlam on top of Razor Ramon.
Bill Alfonso is back on the job.
Bill Alfonso counts: One, two, three.

The winner is Bruiser Bedlam. Time of match: 0:10:47

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Last updated: February 21, 2020