Rick Rude vs Razor Ramon

Rick Rude misses with a clothesline.
Rick Rude misses with a clothesline.
Razor Ramon executes a faceslam.
Rick Rude goes for a piledriver, but Razor Ramon counters it with a backdrop.
Rick Rude goes for a bodyslam, but Razor Ramon blocks it.
Razor Ramon throws Rick Rude out of the ring.
Razor Ramon goes through the ropes.
Rick Rude knocks Razor Ramon into the ringpost.
Rick Rude hits Razor Ramon with a chair.
Rick Rude throws Razor Ramon back into the ring.
Rick Rude executes the Rude Awakening and goes for the pin.
Bill Alfonso counts: One, two, three.

The winner is Rick Rude. Time of match: 0:19:19

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Last updated: February 21, 2020