Big Titan vs Bart Gunn (w/Ted DiBiase)

Adam Bomb nails him with a bodyslam.
Adam Bomb tags out to Big Titan.
Billy Gunn enters the ring and throws Adam Bomb out of the ring.
Billy Gunn takes Big Titan down with a flying clothesline.
Bart Gunn takes Big Titan down with a crucifix.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
 The bell rings. The time-limit has expired.
Danny Davis lets the match continue.
Billy Gunn leaves the ring.
Big Titan takes him down with a slingshot facebuster.
Big Titan takes him down with a side suplex.
Big Titan is going for the pin.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, Ted DiBiase puts Bart Gunn's foot on the rope.
Ted DiBiase enters the ring and hits Big Titan with a chair.
Big Titan is out cold.
Danny Davis disqualifies The Smoking Gunns.

The winners are Big Titan and Adam Bomb. Time of match: 0:30:29

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Last updated: February 21, 2020