Shawn Michaels vs Ludvig Borga (w/Jim Cornette)

Ludvig Borga whips Shawn Michaels into the guardrail.
Shawn Michaels executes a sleeperhold on the floor.
Shawn Michaels knocks Ludvig Borga into the ringpost.
Ludvig Borga reenters the ring.
Shawn Michaels follows him back in.
Ludvig Borga goes for an elbowdrop, but Shawn Michaels counters it with
a roll away.
Shawn Michaels nails him with a small package.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
Jim Cornette throws Ludvig Borga the tennis racket, but Shawn Michaels
 intercepts it.
Shawn Michaels hits Ludvig Borga with it and goes for the pin.
Earl Hebner disqualifies Shawn Michaels.

The winner is Ludvig Borga. Time of match: 0:15:10

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Last updated: February 21, 2020