Big Boss Man vs Owen Hart

Big Boss Man goes for a back suplex, but Owen Hart blocks it.
Owen Hart executes a single-leg takedown.
Owen Hart takes him down with a flying dropkick.
Owen Hart is going for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Owen Hart runs into the ropes.
Big Boss Man takes him down with a bulldog headlock.
Big Boss Man takes him down with a bearhug.
Big Boss Man lets go after 11 seconds.
Big Boss Man goes for a back suplex, but Owen Hart counters it with
a cross-body block.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Owen Hart takes him down with an elbowdrop.
Owen Hart executes a sunset flip.
Owen Hart uses the ropes for leverage.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.

The winner is Owen Hart. Time of match: 0:04:11

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Last updated: February 21, 2020