Arn Anderson (w/J.J. Dillon) vs Chris Benoit

Chris Benoit goes for an armdrag takedown, but Arn Anderson counters it with
a lariat.
Arn Anderson whips Chris Benoit into the ropes, but Chris Benoit reverses it.
Arn Anderson bumps into Tim White.
Arn Anderson misses with a clothesline.
Chris Benoit misses with an elbow.
Chris Benoit hits Arn Anderson with a kick.
J.J. Dillon throws Arn Anderson the shoe.
Arn Anderson hits Chris Benoit with it and goes for the pin.
There is no referee to count.
Tim White is back on the job.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.

The winners are Horsemen Flair & Anderson. Time of match: 0:33:03

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Last updated: February 21, 2020