Brian Pillman vs Sabu

1-2-3 Kid attemps to place Rad Radford on the turnbuckle, but Rad Radford
 blocks it.
1-2-3 Kid goes for a flying dropkick, but Rad Radford counters it with
a duck-down move.
Rad Radford tags out to Sabu.
Sabu and Rad Radford whip 1-2-3 Kid into the ropes.
They hit 1-2-3 Kid with a double kick to the midsection.
Rad Radford leaves the ring.
Sabu takes him down with a hiptoss.
Sabu goes for an armdrag takedown, but 1-2-3 Kid counters it with a lariat.
1-2-3 Kid nails him with a kick to the head.
1-2-3 Kid tags out to Brian Pillman.
1-2-3 Kid nails Sabu with a DDT.
Brian Pillman goes for the Air Pillman, but Sabu counters it with a powerslam.
James Beard counts: One, two, three.

The winners are The Body Donnas and Sabu. Time of match: 0:07:39

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Last updated: February 21, 2020