Sabu vs 1-2-3 Kid                              

1-2-3 Kid catches him in a Northern Lights suplex.
Tim White counts: One, two, in the ropes...
1-2-3 Kid goes for a vertical suplex, but Sabu reverses it.
1-2-3 Kid re-reverses it.
1-2-3 Kid goes for a spin kick, but Sabu counters it with a duck-down move.
Sabu goes for a kick to the head, but 1-2-3 Kid counters it with
a duck-down move.
1-2-3 Kid nails him with a fisherman suplex.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
1-2-3 Kid goes for a flying somersault bodyblock, but Sabu counters it with
a side step.
Sabu executes the Moonsault and goes for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.

The winner is Sabu. Time of match: 0:15:38

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Last updated: February 21, 2020