Shawn Michaels vs Brian Pillman (w/J.J. Dillon)

Shawn Michaels and Great Muta hit Brian Pillman with a double vertical suplex.
Great Muta leaves the ring.
Shawn Michaels nails him with a back suplex.
Brian Pillman nails him with a piledriver.
James Beard is back on the job.
Brian Pillman nails him with a flying cross body press.
James Beard counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Brian Pillman throws Shawn Michaels out of the ring.
James Beard counts: one, two, three, four, Brian Pillman distracts James Beard.
Ric Flair hits Shawn Michaels with a DDT.
James Beard is back on the job: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
nine, ten.

The winners are Brian Pillman, Arn Anderson and Al Snow. Time of match: 0:24:16

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Last updated: February 21, 2020