Arn Anderson punches Ric Flair.
Arn Anderson has the crowd going wild.
Ric Flair punches Arn Anderson.
The crowd is responding to Ric Flair.
Arn Anderson tries to throw Ric Flair over the top rope.
Ric Flair has been eliminated.
Arn Anderson has the crowd going wild.
(Arn Anderson and Vader are going at it.)
Arn Anderson hits Vader with a kneelift.
Arn Anderson tries to throw Vader over the top rope.
Johnny Grunge hits the ring.
Johnny Grunge saves Vader.
Johnny Grunge attacks Vader.
(Vader and Arn Anderson are going at it.)
Vader whips Arn Anderson into the ropes, but Arn Anderson reverses it.
Vader hits a lariat on Arn Anderson.
Vader works the crowd.
A small "Vader" chant is being started.
[ portion of match removed ]
Vader goes for a swinging punch, but Jushin Liger blocks it.
(Arn Anderson and Jushin Liger are going at it.)
Arn Anderson uses a bodyslam on Jushin Liger.
(Jushin Liger and Arn Anderson are going at it.)
Jushin Liger and Johnny Grunge hit Arn Anderson with a double DDT.
Johnny Grunge goes for a kick to the head, but Arn Anderson counters it with
a duck-down move.
Johnny Grunge hits Jushin Liger.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Arn Anderson.
Jushin Liger didn't go over the top.
Arn Anderson hits Jushin Liger with a piledriver.
The crowd is giving Arn Anderson a standing ovation.
Arn Anderson tries to throw Jushin Liger over the top rope.
Jushin Liger has been eliminated.
The crowd is giving Arn Anderson a standing ovation.
(Arn Anderson and Johnny Grunge are going at it.)
Arn Anderson goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Johnny Grunge
counters it with a side suplex.
Johnny Grunge executes the Spinebuster on Arn Anderson.
Johnny Grunge executes a roundhouse right on Arn Anderson.
(Arn Anderson and Vader are going at it.)
Arn Anderson uses a swinging neckbreaker on Vader.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Arn Anderson.
Arn Anderson takes Vader down with a legsweep.
Vader goes for a swinging punch, but Arn Anderson blocks it.
Arn Anderson chops Vader.
The crowd is behind Arn Anderson all the way.
Arn Anderson chops Vader.
Arn Anderson has the crowd going wild.
Vader chops Arn Anderson.
A small "Vader" chant is being started.
Vader hits Arn Anderson.
A small "Vader" chant is being started.
Vader executes the Power Bomb on Arn Anderson.
Sabu hits the ring.
[ portion of match removed ]
Vader uses a swinging punch on Sabu.
Sabu hits Vader with a dropkick.
Sabu is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Sabu goes for a kick to the midsection, but Vader blocks it.
Vader hits Sabu with a forearm smash.
Vader nails Sabu with a kick to the midsection.
Vader hits Sabu with a swinging punch.
Vader uses a vertical suplex on Sabu.
Vader tries to throw Sabu over the top rope.
Sabu has been eliminated.
A small "Vader" chant is being started.
Vader waits for his next opponent.
Rocko Rock hits the ring.
(Vader and Rocko Rock are going at it.)
Vader executes a headbutt on Rocko Rock.
Vader tries to throw Rocko Rock over the top rope.
Rocko Rock has been eliminated.
The crowd is responding to Vader.
Vader waits for his next opponent.
Bret Hart hits the ring.
(Vader and Bret Hart are going at it.)
Vader hits a forearm smash on Bret Hart.
Vader hits a headbutt on Bret Hart.
Vader uses a swinging punch on Bret Hart.
Vader hits a choke slam on Bret Hart.
Vader works the crowd.
Vader is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Vader whips Bret Hart into the turnbuckle.
Bret Hart comes back and rocks Vader with an elbow.
Bret Hart locks Vader in a sleeperhold.
Vader is struggling to reach the ropes.
Vader reaches the ropes after being trapped for 7 seconds.
Bret Hart goes for a Russian legsweep, but Vader counters it with an elbowsmash.
Bret Hart takes Vader down with a flying clothesline.
The crowd is really behind Bret Hart.
Bret Hart hits Vader with a Russian legsweep.
There are lots of chants for Bret Hart.
Bret Hart goes for the Sharpshooter, but Vader blocks it.
Bret Hart executes a European uppercut on Vader.
Bret Hart runs into the ropes.
Bret Hart misses with an elbow.
Vader uses a kick to the midsection on Bret Hart.
Vader runs into the ropes.
Vader goes for a bodyslam, but Bret Hart blocks it.
Bret Hart whips Vader into the turnbuckle.
Bret Hart charges into the corner, but Vader moves out of the way.
Vader runs into the ropes.
Vader hits Bret Hart with an elbow.
Vader executes a bodyslam on Bret Hart.
Razor Ramon hits the ring.
Razor Ramon attacks Vader.
(Razor Ramon and Vader are going at it.)
Razor Ramon locks Vader in a sleeperhold.
Vader is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Vader tries to escape the hold.
Vader breaks the hold after 6 seconds.
Vader puts Razor Ramon in a sleeperhold.
Razor Ramon breaks the hold with a jawbreaker after 14 seconds.
Razor Ramon hits a flying bulldog on Vader.
The crowd is responding to Razor Ramon.
Razor Ramon tries to throw Vader over the top rope.
He didn't succeed.
Razor Ramon whips Vader into the ropes.
Vader and Razor Ramon get hit with a double clothesline.
Vader tries to throw Razor Ramon over the top rope.
Razor Ramon has been eliminated.
The crowd is cheering on Vader.
(Vader and Bret Hart are going at it.)
Vader executes a bodyslam on Bret Hart.
Vader takes Bret Hart down with a kick to the midsection.
Vader goes for a forearm smash, but Bret Hart blocks it.
Bret Hart uses a headbutt on Vader.
Bret Hart executes a Russian legsweep on Vader.
The crowd is really behind Bret Hart.
Bret Hart executes the Sharpshooter on Vader.
Brian Pillman hits the ring.
Vader reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Bret Hart hits Vader with a Russian legsweep.
Bret Hart executes the Sharpshooter on Vader.
Vader is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Vader is inching his way towards the ropes.
Vader reaches the ropes after being trapped for 28 seconds.
Bret Hart whips Vader into the ropes, but Vader reverses it.
Bret Hart nails Vader with a dropkick.
Vader goes for a swinging punch, but Bret Hart blocks it.
(Bret Hart and Vader are going at it.)
Bret Hart takes Vader down with an enzuigiri.
The crowd is giving Bret Hart a standing ovation.
Bret Hart takes Vader down with a single-leg takedown.
(Bret Hart and Brian Pillman are going at it.)
Bret Hart goes for a monkey flip, but Brian Pillman blocks it.
Brian Pillman tries to throw Bret Hart over the top rope.
He didn't succeed.
Brian Pillman hits Bret Hart.
A small "Brian Pillman" chant is being started.
Rick Steiner hits the ring.
Bret Hart chops Brian Pillman.
Bret Hart kicks Brian Pillman.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Bret Hart.
Brian Pillman hits Bret Hart.
The crowd is responding to Brian Pillman.
Brian Pillman takes Bret Hart down with a German suplex.
Brian Pillman kicks Bret Hart.
The crowd is cheering on Brian Pillman.
Brian Pillman punches Bret Hart.
The crowd is cheering on Brian Pillman.
Bret Hart hits a hiptoss on Brian Pillman.
(Vader and Bret Hart are going at it.)
Vader takes Bret Hart down with a swinging punch.
Vader hits a swinging punch on Bret Hart.
Vader goes for a kick to the midsection, but Bret Hart counters it with
a legsweep.
Bret Hart executes the Sharpshooter on Vader.
Vader is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Vader is inching his way towards the ropes.
Vader tries to fight the pain.
Vader summons one last burst of energy.
Vader breaks the hold after 1 minute.
(Bret Hart and Vader are going at it.)
Bret Hart tries to throw Vader over the top rope.
Davey Boy Smith hits the ring.
He didn't succeed.
Bret Hart hits Vader with a flying clothesline.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
(Brian Pillman and Davey Boy Smith are going at it.)
Brian Pillman tries to throw Davey Boy Smith over the top rope.
Davey Boy Smith has been eliminated.
The crowd is cheering on Brian Pillman.
(Brian Pillman and Bret Hart are going at it.)
Brian Pillman executes a piledriver on Bret Hart.
There are lots of chants for Brian Pillman.
Bret Hart uses a backbreaker on Brian Pillman.
(Rick Steiner and Bret Hart are going at it.)
Rick Steiner tries to throw Bret Hart over the top rope.
He didn't succeed.
Rick Steiner hits Bret Hart.
Bret Hart chops Rick Steiner.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Bret Hart.
Bret Hart chops Rick Steiner.
(Brian Pillman and Bret Hart are going at it.)
Brian Pillman uses an armdrag takedown on Bret Hart.
Bret Hart whips Brian Pillman into the turnbuckle.
Bret Hart charges into the corner, but Brian Pillman lifts his leg.
The crowd is really behind Brian Pillman.
Brian Pillman hits Bret Hart with flying headscissors.
(Bret Hart and Vader are going at it.)
Bret Hart whips Vader into the turnbuckle.
Bret Hart nails Vader with a flying bulldog.
The crowd is giving Bret Hart a standing ovation.
Bret Hart executes the Sharpshooter on Vader.
Vader is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Vader breaks the hold after 12 seconds.
Vader takes Bret Hart down with a kick to the midsection.
Hiroshi Hase hits the ring.
Hiroshi Hase attacks Vader.
Vader tries to throw Hiroshi Hase over the top rope.
Hiroshi Hase has been eliminated.
The crowd is responding to Vader.
(Vader and Bret Hart are going at it.)
Vader runs into the ropes.
Vader hits a swinging punch on Bret Hart.
Vader whips Bret Hart into the ropes.
Bret Hart goes for an enzuigiri, but Vader counters it with a duck-down move.
Vader chops Bret Hart.
Vader punches Bret Hart.
Vader places Bret Hart on the turnbuckle.
Vader hits a superplex on Bret Hart.
A small "Vader" chant is being started.
Vader places Bret Hart on the turnbuckle.
Vader takes Bret Hart down with a superplex.
A small "Vader" chant is being started.
(Vader and Brian Pillman are going at it.)
Vader places Brian Pillman on the turnbuckle.
Vader nails Brian Pillman with a superplex.
The crowd is responding to Vader.
Vader nails Brian Pillman with a belly-to-belly suplex.
Vader runs into the ropes.
Brian Pillman misses with an elbow.
Brian Pillman hits Vader with an elbow.
Brian Pillman climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Vader nails him in the stomach.
Brian Pillman falls onto the top turnbuckle.
Vader nails Brian Pillman with a superplex.
A small "Vader" chant is being started.
Vader hits a splash on Brian Pillman.
The crowd is cheering on Vader.
Vader hits a swinging punch on Brian Pillman.
[ portion of match removed ]
Vader reaches the ropes after being trapped for 4 minutes.
Bret Hart executes the Sharpshooter on Vader.
Vader summons one last burst of energy.
Vader is barely hanging in there.
Vader is close to passing out from the pain.
Vader isn't moving anymore.
Vader reaches the ropes after being trapped for 1 minute.
Bret Hart uses a dropkick on Vader.
Vader tries to throw Bret Hart over the top rope.
He didn't succeed.
Vader tries to throw Bret Hart over the top rope.
Bret Hart has been eliminated.
Vader is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
(Vader and Rick Steiner are going at it.)
(Dave Finlay and Rick Steiner are going at it.)
Dave Finlay whips Rick Steiner into the turnbuckle.
Dave Finlay charges into the corner.
[ portion of match removed ]
Vader tries to throw Ahmed Johnson over the top rope.
Ahmed Johnson has been eliminated.
The crowd is responding to Vader.
(Vader and Dave Finlay are going at it.)
Vader tries to throw Dave Finlay over the top rope.
Dave Finlay has been eliminated.
A small "Vader" chant is being started.
(Vader and Rick Steamboat are going at it.)
Vader hits a swinging punch on Rick Steamboat.
(Yokozuna and Rick Steiner are going at it.)
Yokozuna goes for a bearhug, but Rick Steiner counters it with a facerake.
Rick Steiner hits a Steinerline on Yokozuna.
Toshiaki Kawada hits a dropkick on Yokozuna.
Rick Steiner goes for a belly-to-back suplex, but Yokozuna counters it with
a side step.
Yokozuna goes for a belly-to-belly suplex, but Rick Steiner counters it with
a punch.
[ portion of match removed ]
Rick Steamboat goes for a back suplex, but Rick Steiner counters it with
a go-behind.
In turn, Rick Steamboat counters it with a backward kick.
Rick Steamboat nails Rick Steiner with a Tombstone.
A small "Rick Steamboat" chant is being started.
Rick Steamboat hits Rick Steiner with flying headscissors.
Rick Steamboat tries to throw Rick Steiner over the top rope.
Rick Steiner has been eliminated.
A small "Rick Steamboat" chant is being started.
(Rick Steamboat and Brian Pillman are going at it.)
Rick Steamboat takes Brian Pillman down with a piledriver.
Rick Steamboat hits Brian Pillman with a chop.
Rick Steamboat chops Brian Pillman.
The crowd is responding to Rick Steamboat.
Rick Steamboat chops Brian Pillman.
A small "Rick Steamboat" chant is being started.
Rick Steamboat hits Brian Pillman.
A small "Rick Steamboat" chant is being started.
Rick Steamboat whips Brian Pillman into the turnbuckle.
Rick Steamboat runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Brian Pillman lifts his
A small "Brian Pillman" chant is being started.
Brian Pillman tries to throw Rick Steamboat over the top rope.
Rick Steamboat has been eliminated.
The crowd is responding to Brian Pillman.
(Brian Pillman and Toshiaki Kawada are going at it.)
Brian Pillman whips Toshiaki Kawada into the turnbuckle.
Brian Pillman charges into the corner, but Toshiaki Kawada moves out of the way.
[ portion of match removed ]
Vader hits Brian Pillman with a swinging punch.
Vader hits Brian Pillman with a swinging punch.
Vader hits Brian Pillman with a swinging punch.
Vader works the crowd.
The crowd is behind Vader all the way.
Vader whips Brian Pillman into the ropes.
Vader goes for a lariat, but Brian Pillman counters it with a duck-down move.
Brian Pillman goes for a flying clothesline, but Vader counters it with
a side-step.
Brian Pillman falls out of the ring.
Brian Pillman has been eliminated.
The chants for Vader are deafening.
(Toshiaki Kawada and Vader are going at it.)
Toshiaki Kawada nails Vader with an enzuigiri, but Vader doesn't even budge.
There's a small reaction to Toshiaki Kawada.
Toshiaki Kawada hits an enzuigiri on Vader, but Vader only stares at him.
The crowd is going crazy.
Toshiaki Kawada takes Vader down with an enzuigiri.
Toshiaki Kawada executes a spinning cartwheel kick against Vader, but Vader
doesn't even care.
The crowd is behind Vader all the way.
Toshiaki Kawada runs into the ropes.
Vader executes a kick to the midsection against Toshiaki Kawada.
Vader nails Toshiaki Kawada with a choke slam.
Toshiaki Kawada falls out of the ring.
Toshiaki Kawada has been eliminated.
The crowd is giving Vader a standing ovation.

The winner is Vader. Time of match: 0:45:25

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Last updated: February 21, 2020