Dean Malenko goes for the Texas Cloverleaf, but he can't do it.
The Giant whips Dean Malenko into the ropes.
The Giant hits Dean Malenko with a clothesline.
The Giant works the crowd.
The crowd is cheering on The Giant.
The Giant takes Dean Malenko down with a headbutt.
The Giant is going for the pin.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, in the ropes...
The Giant hits Dean Malenko with a stomp.
The Giant takes Dean Malenko down with a headbutt.
The Giant whips Dean Malenko into the ropes.
The Giant misses with an elbow.
Dean Malenko takes The Giant down with a leg lariat.
Dean Malenko is going for the pin.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, in the ropes...
The bell rings. The time limit has expired.

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Last updated: February 21, 2020