Shawn Michaels executes a flying bodypress on Buh Buh Ray Dudley.
Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shawn Michaels and Dan Severn whip Buh Buh Ray Dudley into the ropes.
They hit Buh Buh Ray Dudley with a double backdrop.
Big Dick Dudley enters the ring and throws Dan Severn out of the ring.
Big Dick Dudley uses a bodyslam on Shawn Michaels.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley executes a flying bodypress on Shawn Michaels.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Big Dick Dudley leaves the ring.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley hits Shawn Michaels with a power bomb.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.

Shawn Michaels has been eliminated.
The crowd is cheering on Buh Buh Ray Dudley.

[ portion of match removed ]
Ken Shamrock tags out to Diesel.
Spike Dudley enters the ring and throws Ken Shamrock out of the ring.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley and Spike Dudley whip Diesel into the ropes.
They hit Diesel with a double elbowsmash.
Spike Dudley leaves the ring.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley takes Diesel down with a backbreaker.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley hits a short clothesline on Diesel.
The crowd is cheering on Buh Buh Ray Dudley.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley leaves the ring.
He returns with a fire extinguisher.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley takes a swing at Diesel with the fire extinguisher, but he
gets out of the way.
Diesel snatches the fire extinguisher from him.
Diesel hits him with the fire extinguisher.
Tim White throws the fire extinguisher out of the ring.
Diesel whips Buh Buh Ray Dudley into the ropes.
Diesel uses a fist to the midsection on Buh Buh Ray Dudley.
[ portion of match removed ]
Dan Severn hits Spike Dudley with a Samoan Drop.
Dan Severn runs into the ropes.
Spike Dudley takes Dan Severn down with spinning headscissors.
Spike Dudley is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Spike Dudley leaves the ring.
He returns with a chair.
Spike Dudley sets up the chair.
Spike Dudley executes a flying bulldog onto the chair on Dan Severn.
Spike Dudley is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Spike Dudley throws Dan Severn out of the ring.
Tim White counts: one, two, three, four, five, Dan Severn reenters the ring.
Spike Dudley hits a jumping DDT on Dan Severn.
Spike Dudley is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Spike Dudley goes for a punch, but Dan Severn blocks it.
Dan Severn goes for a fireman's carry, but Spike Dudley blocks it.
Spike Dudley whips Dan Severn into the ropes, but Dan Severn reverses it.
Spike Dudley hits Dan Severn with a kick.
[ portion of match removed ]
Spike Dudley executes a slap on Diesel.
Spike Dudley hits Diesel.
The crowd is really behind Spike Dudley.
Diesel hits Spike Dudley.
Spike Dudley chops Diesel.
There are lots of chants for Spike Dudley.
Diesel hits Spike Dudley.
The crowd is cheering on Diesel.
Spike Dudley hits Diesel.
Spike Dudley kicks Diesel.
Diesel hits Spike Dudley.
The crowd is cheering on Diesel.
Diesel executes the Jackknife on Spike Dudley.
Tim White counts: One, two, Big Dick Dudley makes the save.
Diesel nails Spike Dudley with a kick to the midsection.
Diesel executes the Jackknife on Spike Dudley.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.

Spike Dudley has been eliminated.
Diesel is getting a good reaction from the crowd.

[ portion of match removed ]
D-Von Dudley goes for a piledriver, but Diesel blocks it.
Diesel tags out to Dan Severn.
Dan Severn and Diesel whip D-Von Dudley into the ropes.
They hit D-Von Dudley with a double clothesline.
Diesel leaves the ring.
Dan Severn executes a German suplex on D-Von Dudley.
Tim White counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Dan Severn locks D-Von Dudley in an armbar submission.
D-Von Dudley is struggling to reach the ropes.
Dan Severn lets go after 11 seconds.
Dan Severn nails D-Von Dudley with a legsweep.
Dan Severn executes the Cross Armbar Submission on D-Von Dudley.
D-Von Dudley is valiantly trying to break the hold.
D-Von Dudley tries to escape the hold.
D-Von Dudley is close to passing out from the pain.
Tim White asks D-Von Dudley if he's still there.
D-Von Dudley nods.
D-Von Dudley tries to fight the pain.
D-Von Dudley breaks the hold after 25 seconds.
D-Von Dudley nails Dan Severn with a bodyslam.
D-Von Dudley whips Dan Severn into the ropes, but Dan Severn reverses it.
D-Von Dudley hits Dan Severn with an elbow.
D-Von Dudley runs into the ropes.
D-Von Dudley hits Dan Severn with a clothesline.
Dan Severn falls out of the ring.
D-Von Dudley goes through the ropes.
D-Von Dudley uses a double-axhandle chop on Dan Severn.
D-Von Dudley reenters the ring.
Dan Severn follows him back in.
D-Von Dudley uses a facerake on Dan Severn.
D-Von Dudley goes for a headbutt, but Dan Severn blocks it.
Dan Severn punches D-Von Dudley.
The crowd is behind Dan Severn all the way.
Dan Severn chops D-Von Dudley.
The crowd is behind Dan Severn all the way.
[ portion of match removed ]
D-Von Dudley and Buh Buh Ray Dudley whip Dan Severn into the ropes.
They hit Dan Severn with a double clothesline.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley leaves the ring.
D-Von Dudley goes for a headbutt, but Dan Severn blocks it.
Dan Severn runs into the ropes.
D-Von Dudley hits Dan Severn with a kick to the midsection.
D-Von Dudley catches Dan Severn in a chokehold.
Tim White warns D-Von Dudley to let go.
Tim White counts: One, two, three, four.
D-Von Dudley whips Dan Severn into the ropes, but Dan Severn reverses it.
D-Von Dudley hits Dan Severn with an elbow.
D-Von Dudley hits a headbutt on Dan Severn.
D-Von Dudley whips Dan Severn into the ropes.
D-Von Dudley hits Dan Severn with a backdrop.
D-Von Dudley takes Dan Severn down with a kick to the midsection.
D-Von Dudley executes the Dudley Cutter on Dan Severn.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind D-Von Dudley.
D-Von Dudley goes for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.

Dan Severn has been eliminated.
The boos are resurfacing again.

[ portion of match removed ]
D-Von Dudley hits Diesel.
The cheers for D-Von Dudley are drowning out the boos.
D-Von Dudley hits Diesel.
D-Von Dudley takes Diesel down with a DDT.
D-Von Dudley hits Diesel.
The cheers for D-Von Dudley are drowning out the boos.
Diesel chops D-Von Dudley.
Diesel kicks D-Von Dudley.
Diesel is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
D-Von Dudley chops Diesel.
The cheers for D-Von Dudley are drowning out the boos.
D-Von Dudley chops Diesel.
D-Von Dudley uses a kick to the midsection on Diesel.
D-Von Dudley hits Diesel with a low blow.
D-Von Dudley executes the Dudley Cutter on Diesel.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind D-Von Dudley.
D-Von Dudley goes for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, Ken Shamrock makes the save.
[ portion of match removed ]
Diesel runs into the ropes.
Big Dick Dudley hits Diesel with a spinebuster slam.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.

Diesel has been eliminated.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Big Dick Dudley.

[ portion of match removed ]
D-Von Dudley gets a choke against the ropes on Ken Shamrock.
Tim White warns D-Von Dudley to let go.
Tim White counts: One, two, three, four.
D-Von Dudley goes for a short lariat, but Ken Shamrock counters it with
a hiptoss.
Ken Shamrock catches D-Von Dudley in a kneebar.
D-Von Dudley reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
D-Von Dudley runs into the ropes.
D-Von Dudley hits Ken Shamrock with a kick.
D-Von Dudley hits a short lariat on Ken Shamrock.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
D-Von Dudley uses a DDT on Ken Shamrock.
The cheers for D-Von Dudley are drowning out the boos.
D-Von Dudley whips Ken Shamrock into the ropes, but Ken Shamrock reverses it.
D-Von Dudley gives him a short lariat, but Ken Shamrock only stares at him.
There are lots of chants for Ken Shamrock.
D-Von Dudley takes Ken Shamrock down with a knee to the back.
D-Von Dudley hits a knee to the back on Ken Shamrock.
D-Von Dudley hits Ken Shamrock.
Ken Shamrock kicks D-Von Dudley.
The crowd is going crazy.
D-Von Dudley chops Ken Shamrock.
Ken Shamrock punches D-Von Dudley.
D-Von Dudley hits Ken Shamrock.
The cheers for D-Von Dudley are drowning out the boos.
D-Von Dudley goes for a DDT, but Ken Shamrock counters it with
a Northern Lights suplex.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Ken Shamrock complains about a slow count.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind D-Von Dudley.
D-Von Dudley executes an inside cradle on Ken Shamrock.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
D-Von Dudley hits a splash on Ken Shamrock.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
[ portion of match removed ]
Tim White counts:  1.
Ken Shamrock nails D-Von Dudley with a forearm smash.
Ken Shamrock knocks D-Von Dudley into the ringsteps.
Ken Shamrock takes D-Von Dudley down with a back suplex.
Ken Shamrock whips D-Von Dudley into the guardrail.
Tim White counts:  2.
Sign Guy Dudley comes from behind and distracts Ken Shamrock.
D-Von Dudley is handed a fire extinguisher.
D-Von Dudley takes a swing at Ken Shamrock with the fire extinguisher, but he
gets out of the way.
Ken Shamrock snatches the fire extinguisher from him.
Ken Shamrock hits him with the fire extinguisher.
Ken Shamrock uses an armbreaker on D-Von Dudley.
Tim White counts:  3.
Ken Shamrock whips D-Von Dudley into the guardrail.
Ken Shamrock takes D-Von Dudley down with an elbowsmash.
Tim White counts:  4.
Ken Shamrock whips D-Von Dudley into the guardrail.
Big Dick Dudley comes from behind and distracts Ken Shamrock.
D-Von Dudley whips Ken Shamrock into the guardrail.
D-Von Dudley hits a kick to the midsection on Ken Shamrock.
D-Von Dudley knocks Ken Shamrock into the ringsteps.
Big Dick Dudley comes from behind, but Ken Shamrock nails Big Dick Dudley.
D-Von Dudley goes for a kick to the midsection, but Ken Shamrock
counters it with a legsweep.
Tim White counts:  5.
Tim White counts:  6.
Joel Gertner comes from behind, but Ken Shamrock nails Joel Gertner.
D-Von Dudley executes a punch on Ken Shamrock.
Joel Gertner comes from behind and distracts Ken Shamrock.
D-Von Dudley whips Ken Shamrock into the guardrail.
D-Von Dudley goes for a DDT, but Ken Shamrock counters it with a kneebar.
Tim White counts:  7.
Ken Shamrock hits a slap on D-Von Dudley.
Tim White counts:  8.
Ken Shamrock throws D-Von Dudley back into the ring.
Ken Shamrock executes the Ankle Lock Submission on D-Von Dudley.
D-Von Dudley is struggling to reach the ropes.
D-Von Dudley tries to fight the pain.
D-Von Dudley submits after 14 seconds.

D-Von Dudley has been eliminated.
The crowd is giving Ken Shamrock a standing ovation.

Ken Shamrock takes Buh Buh Ray Dudley down with a kick to the midsection.
Ken Shamrock runs into the ropes.
Ken Shamrock hits Buh Buh Ray Dudley with a clothesline.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley falls out of the ring.
Tim White counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,
Buh Buh Ray Dudley reenters the ring.
Ken Shamrock is going for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Ken Shamrock uses a forearm smash on Buh Buh Ray Dudley.
Ken Shamrock takes Buh Buh Ray Dudley down with a headbutt.
Ken Shamrock catches Buh Buh Ray Dudley in the STF.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Ken Shamrock goes for a kick to the midsection, but Buh Buh Ray Dudley
blocks it.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley tags out to Big Dick Dudley.
Big Dick Dudley executes a bodyslam on Ken Shamrock.
Big Dick Dudley goes for a spinebuster slam, but Ken Shamrock counters it with
a kneelift.
Ken Shamrock chops Big Dick Dudley.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Ken Shamrock punches Big Dick Dudley.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Ken Shamrock.
Ken Shamrock punches Big Dick Dudley.
The crowd is giving Ken Shamrock a standing ovation.
Ken Shamrock goes for a kick to the head, but Big Dick Dudley blocks it.
Big Dick Dudley takes Ken Shamrock down with a clothesline.
Big Dick Dudley whips Ken Shamrock into the turnbuckle, but Ken Shamrock
reverses it.
Ken Shamrock charges into the corner.
Ken Shamrock nails Big Dick Dudley with a kick to the head.
Ken Shamrock hits Big Dick Dudley with a mounted punch.
Ken Shamrock is going for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.
Big Dick Dudley has been eliminated.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.

[ portion of match removed ]
Buh Buh Ray Dudley goes for a chokehold, but Ken Shamrock blocks it.
Ken Shamrock goes for a Yakuza kick, but Buh Buh Ray Dudley counters it with
a legsweep.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley catches Ken Shamrock in a chokehold.
Tim White warns Buh Buh Ray Dudley to let go.
Tim White counts: One, two, three, four.
Tim White counts: One, two, three, four.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley is going for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley goes for a legdrop, but Ken Shamrock rolls out of the way.
Ken Shamrock runs into the ropes.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley hits Ken Shamrock with an elbow.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley is going for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Buh Buh Ray Dudley executes an elbowsmash on Ken Shamrock.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley locks Ken Shamrock in a chokehold.
Tim White warns Buh Buh Ray Dudley to let go.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley locks Ken Shamrock in a chokehold.
Tim White warns Buh Buh Ray Dudley to let go.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley kicks Ken Shamrock.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Ken Shamrock hits Buh Buh Ray Dudley.
The crowd is going crazy.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley hits Ken Shamrock.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley runs into the ropes.
Ken Shamrock hits a kick to the head on Buh Buh Ray Dudley.
Ken Shamrock runs into the ropes.
Ken Shamrock goes for a Yakuza kick, but Buh Buh Ray Dudley counters it with
a legsweep.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley nails Ken Shamrock with an inverted power bomb.
[ portion of match removed ]
Buh Buh Ray Dudley uses a backbreaker on Ken Shamrock.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley runs into the ropes.
Ken Shamrock misses with a shoulderblock.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley takes Ken Shamrock down with a clothesline.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley nails Ken Shamrock with a bodyslam.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley hits Ken Shamrock with an inverted power bomb.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley whips Ken Shamrock into the ropes.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley hits Ken Shamrock with a shoulderblock.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley is going for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley whips Ken Shamrock into the ropes.
Ken Shamrock misses with a clothesline.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley hits Ken Shamrock with a shoulderblock.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley nails Ken Shamrock with a punch.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley whips Ken Shamrock into the ropes.
Ken Shamrock nails Buh Buh Ray Dudley with a Yakuza kick.
Ken Shamrock executes the Ankle Lock Submission on Buh Buh Ray Dudley.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley tries to fight the pain.
Buh Buh Ray Dudley submits after 22 seconds.

Buh Buh Ray Dudley has been eliminated.
The crowd is going crazy.

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Last updated: February 21, 2020