Rocky Maivia begs off.
Dan Severn goes for a kneelift, but Rocky Maivia side-steps and Dan Severn
only hits air.
The crowd is giving Rocky Maivia a standing ovation.
Rocky Maivia hits Dan Severn with a chop.
Rocky Maivia uses a hiptoss on Dan Severn.
Rocky Maivia is going for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Rocky Maivia uses a hiptoss on Dan Severn.
Rocky Maivia goes for a back suplex, but Dan Severn flips over.
Dan Severn goes for a German suplex, but Rocky Maivia blocks it.
Rocky Maivia goes for a clothesline, but he can't do it.
Dan Severn executes the Cross Armbar Submission on Rocky Maivia.
Rocky Maivia summons one last burst of energy.
Rocky Maivia submits after 12 seconds.
The crowd is giving Dan Severn a standing ovation.

The winner is Dan Severn. Time of match: 0:10:49

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Last updated: February 21, 2020