Chris Benoit uses flying headscissors on Rob Van Dam.
Chris Benoit nails Rob Van Dam with a snap mare.
Chris Benoit goes for a belly-to-belly suplex, but Rob Van Dam counters it with
a punch.
Rob Van Dam hits a savate kick on Chris Benoit.
Rob Van Dam takes Chris Benoit down with a single-leg takedown.
Rob Van Dam leaves the ring.
He returns with a chair.
Rob Van Dam runs into the ropes and springs off the chair.
Rob Van Dam nails Chris Benoit with a spinning leg lariat.
Rob Van Dam goes for a frog splash, but Chris Benoit rolls out of the way.
Chris Benoit nails Rob Van Dam with a Northern Lights suplex.
James Beard counts: One, two, three.
The crowd erupts.

The winner is Chris Benoit. Time of match: 0:33:16

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Last updated: February 21, 2020