Dave Finlay hits a vertical suplex on Shinjiro Otani.
Hayabusa executes a 450 splash on Shinjiro Otani.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Dave Finlay leaves the ring.
Hayabusa uses a fisherman buster on Shinjiro Otani.
The crowd is giving Hayabusa a standing ovation.
Hayabusa executes the Falcon Arrow on Shinjiro Otani.
The crowd is giving Hayabusa a standing ovation.
Hayabusa goes for the pin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.

Shinjiro Otani has been eliminated.
The crowd erupts.

They lock up.
Masato Tanaka throws Hayabusa out of the ring.
Masato Tanaka goes for tope suicida, but Hayabusa moves out of the way.
Masato Tanaka is out cold.
Hayabusa throws Masato Tanaka back into the ring.
Hayabusa hits a German suplex on Masato Tanaka.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.

Masato Tanaka has been eliminated.
The crowd erupts.

[ portion of match removed ]
Hayabusa attempts to place Al Snow on the turnbuckle, but Al Snow blocks it.
Brian Christopher enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Kensuke Sasaki enters the ring and lays out Brian Christopher.
Al Snow and Kensuke Sasaki whip Hayabusa into the ropes.
They hit Hayabusa with a double elbowsmash.
Kensuke Sasaki leaves the ring.
Al Snow takes Hayabusa down with a dragon suplex.
Both combatants' shoulders are on the mat.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, Brian Christopher doesn't make it in time...

Hayabusa has been eliminated.
Al Snow has been eliminated.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Al Snow.

[ portion of match removed ]
Brian Christopher begs off.
Kensuke Sasaki hits Brian Christopher with a single-leg takedown.
Kensuke Sasaki is bleeding like hell.
Kensuke Sasaki hits Brian Christopher with a dropkick.
Brian Christopher bumps into Earl Hebner.
Kensuke Sasaki runs into the ropes.
Brian Christopher misses with a kick.
Kensuke Sasaki goes for a lariat, but Brian Christopher counters it with
a crucifix.
There is no referee to count.
Earl Hebner is back on the job.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.

Kensuke Sasaki has been eliminated.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.

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Last updated: February 21, 2020