JR = Jim Ross
KS = Ken Shamrock

[ Jim Ross is standing in the ring with Ken Shamrock whose right arm in in a 
  cast. ]

JR: Ken Shamrock... first of all let me say that all of us are very sorry for
    the host of injuries you have received courtesy of the Brawl For All 
    matches you've been in against the Undertaker.

KS: Hey - that's what fighting is all about. If you fight, you an sustain an
    injury. It's only natural. What really ticks me off, though, is that the
    Undertaker capitalized on my elbow injury to score a tainted win over me
    and regain the Brawl For All title.

JR: Be that as it may be... the Undertaker did regain the title, and even if he
    hadn't, you likely would have had to vacate it anyway due to your injury.

KS: This is a matter of principle. Undertaker... if you're listening, get your
    dead ass out here. I'm here with my arm in a cast and I challenge you to
    a rematch for the title. If I lose, I'll leave the WWF forever. However,
    that isn't going to happen.

JR: Ladies and gentlemen... I've just been told that the Undertaker who was 
    about to leave the arena in a few minutes has accepted Ken Shamrock's 
    challenge and will emerge to the ring as soon as he gets out of his street

[ Attendants change the ring setup for the Brawl For All while Ken Shamrock
  takes off his cast. ]

[ Undertaker's music starts playing. ]

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Last updated: February 21, 2020