NDW Week 54  - Tag Team Turmoil 2005: Night 2

Critic of the DawnPosted on 10/13/04 at 02:17:45

Last week was excellent as far as workrate was concerned.  I've literally never run a card that has done so well as a whole - of course, I usually don't book things around trying to do so, but that doesn't change the fact that it impressed the hell out of me.  This card, on the other hand, is interesting to me because it's going to shape the storylines of upcoming weeks to a great deal - reading it you can see some of it, but there's even more that you might miss.

But I digress.  Here's the card.


Team USA vs. America's Most Wanted in a Tag Team Turmoil 2005 Semifinal

Mike Sparks counts:  1.
Jim Duggan climbs back into the ring.
Chris Harris follows him back in.
Jim Duggan takes Chris Harris down with a clothesline.
Jim Duggan executes a clothesline on Chris Harris.
Jim Duggan whips Chris Harris into the ropes.
Jim Duggan uses a kick to the midsection on Chris Harris.
Jim Duggan takes Chris Harris down with a clothesline.
Jim Duggan runs into the ropes.
Chris Harris catches Jim Duggan totally by surprise.
Chris Harris executes the Catatonic on Jim Duggan.
Chris Harris goes for the pin.
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Chris Harris tags out to James Storm.
James Storm and Chris Harris hit Jim Duggan with a double dropkick.
Chris Harris leaves the ring.
James Storm executes a fireman's carry into a flapjack on Jim Duggan.
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Chris Harris tags out to James Storm.
James Storm and Chris Harris hit Sgt. Slaughter with a double legsweep.
Chris Harris leaves the ring.
James Storm uses a powerslam on Sgt. Slaughter.
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, kickout.
Chris Harris enters the ring.
James Storm lifts Sgt. Slaughter up.
Chris Harris nails Sgt. Slaughter with the Death Sentence and goes for the pin.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is vociferously booing Chris Harris.

The winners are America's Most Wanted. Time of match: 0:12:59

[Tag Team Turmoil 2005 Semifinal]:
America's Most Wanted (James Storm and Chris Harris) defeated
Team USA (Jim Duggan and Sgt. Slaughter) when C. Harris pinned Slaughter
after the Death Sentence in 0:12:59.
Rating: * 1/4

Wrestling legend "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes was at ringside to witness the historic end to tonight's tournament.  This contest started out very even, with Team USA coming on very strong with a series of clotheslines, suplexes, backdrops, and other basic but effective offense.  AMW were their usual dominant selves as well, but as the match progressed, it became clear that the fans were supporting Team USA over perrenial fan favorites America's Most Wanted.  When "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan actually managed to kick out of Harris' Catatonic, the crowd exploded in cheers.  This clearly frustrated AMW, but they fought on, finally catching Sgt. Slaughter with the Death Sentence and bringing an end to his career with a decisive three count.

Following the match, Duggan and AMW helped Slaughter to his feet, gesturing to him as he waved one last time to the crowd.  There wasn't a dry eye in the building as he shook his partner's hand, then Storm's, and finally Harris'.  Then, from nowhere, a superkick to Duggan by Storm!  Jim Duggan flies out of the ring as Harris pulls Slaughter in and delivers a short clothesline.  Dusty Rhodes is clearly shocked as he watches from ringside as Storm hoists Sgt. Slaughter up once again, and Chris Harris delivers a second Death Sentence.  What the hell is going on here?!?

The Future vs. Project Wunderkind in a Tag Team Turmoil 2005 Semifinal

In turn, Xavier counters it with an enzuigiri to the face.
Xavier makes an X with his arms.
Xavier seemingly enjoys the boos.
Xavier tags out to Chance Beckett.
Chance Beckett and Xavier whip Alex Wright into the ropes.
They hit Alex Wright with a double fist to the midsection.
Xavier leaves the ring.
Chance Beckett whips Alex Wright into the ropes.
Chance Beckett goes for the Chance Encounter, but Alex Wright counters it with
a duck-down move.
Alex Wright tags out to Jay Briscoe.
Alex Wright goes for a jumping elbow thrust, but Chance Beckett
ducks out of the way.
Alex Wright hits Jay Briscoe.
Xavier tangles up Alex Wright.
Chance Beckett goes for an inside cradle, but Jay Briscoe blocks it.
Alex Wright leaves the ring.
Jay Briscoe takes Chance Beckett down with a kick to the head.

Jay Briscoe works the crowd.
Jay Briscoe seemingly enjoys the boos.
Jay Briscoe whips Xavier into the ropes, but Xavier reverses it.
Jay Briscoe misses with a clothesline.
Jay Briscoe hits Xavier with a kick.
Jay Briscoe nails Xavier with a back suplex.
Jay Briscoe is getting a pissed look amidst all the boos.
Jay Briscoe nails Xavier with a fisherman suplex.
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, three.
Jay Briscoe is getting a pissed look amidst all the boos.

The winners are Project Wunderkind. Time of match: 0:14:16

[Tag Team Turmoil 2005 Semifinal]:
Project Wunderkind (Alex Wright and Jay Briscoe) defeated
The Future (Chance Beckett and Xavier) when J. Briscoe pinned Xavier after
a fisherman suplex in 0:14:16.
Rating: ***

Upset!  Neither of these teams can really be regarded as a fan favorite, but due to their past success The Future was widely favored to advance here.  Thus, it came as a huge surprise that Project Wunderkind was able to triumph despite an early miscommunication by Wright and Briscoe that resulted in Briscoe being laid out by a jumping elbowthrust.  An early near-miss by the Chance Encounter also nearly spelled disaster for Project Wunderkind.  The ending came out of nowhere as Briscoe took Xavier down with a fisherman suplex and held the bridge, barely getting a threecount.

Still, if Wright and Briscoe can keep up this level of intensity, they may well take the tournament.  And if they do, Alex Wright has promised that he will *not* return to Germany, and will instead remain with NDW.

"The Franchise" Shane Douglas vs. "The Beast of the Apocalypse" Damian 666

Shane Douglas chops Damian 666.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Damian 666 kicks Shane Douglas.
The chants for Damian 666 are deafening.
Damian 666 hits a chop on Shane Douglas.
Damian 666 goes for a choke against the ropes, but Shane Douglas blocks it.
Shane Douglas goes for a front facelock, but Damian 666 counters it with
a low blow.
Damian 666 hits an Asai leg lariat on Shane Douglas.
Damian 666 executes a side suplex on Shane Douglas.
Damian 666 laughs at the crowd.
The chants for Damian 666 are deafening.
Damian 666 hits Shane Douglas with a senton.
James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.
Damian 666 knocks down James Beard.
James Beard is out cold.
Damian 666 catches Shane Douglas in a chokehold.
There is no referee there to ask Shane Douglas.
Damian 666 whips Shane Douglas into the ropes.
Shane Douglas uses a clothesline on Damian 666.
Shane Douglas takes Damian 666 down with a legsweep.
James Beard is sporting a dazed look but is back on the job.
James Beard disqualifies Damian 666.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.

The winner is Shane Douglas. Time of match: 0:05:25

Shane Douglas defeated Damian 666 by disqualification in 0:05:25.
Rating: 3/4*

Overpower was nowhere to be seen as "The Franchise" Shane Douglas took on Damian 666.  Damian controlled this matchup, dominating the aging Douglas with a series of hardcore attacks and highflying dives, but in the end his temper got the best of him, and after the referee got in his face about his repeated bending of the rules, Damian laid him out with a hard right, earning himself a disqualification.

(Matt Hardy's music hits and he makes his way to the ring with Lita and The

Matt Hardy: Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce my new partner... The
Undertaker!  Now, as you all know, The Undertaker and I have been the two most
dangerous forces in NDW for its entire history.  Look back, and you'll see that
the first match for the Global Heavyweight Title was between The Prince of
Darkness here... and the Sensei of Mattitude.  Now I won that match, but it
wasn't easy.  And I respect his strength because of that... my neck still hurts
now and then from being Tombstoned almost a year ago!

(The Undertaker nods slight at this acknowledgement, but remains silent.)

Matt Hardy: So I was thinking.  I wanted to create a partnership to rule NDW.
The first man I tried was Edge, because after six months of battling back and
forth I had grown to respect him and what he was capable of.  But he was too
preoccupied with living up to his committments to Chris Sabin - a man, I might
add, who betrayed Edge once already - to see what we would be capable of.  Then
it hit me.  The Undertaker is the most powerful untapped force in NDW today!
Lawler's Royal Court took him for granted, and the former Prince Nana didn't
know how good he had it!  But I know what this man is capable of, just as he
knows what I can do!  And together, The Undertaker and Matt Hardy make up the
ultimate alliance in professional wrestling.  So Edge, Sabin, when we face you
tonight to determine number one contenders to the tag team titles... well...
don't count on a victory.

Nana vs. Julio Dinero for the Global Heavyweight Title

Where is Julio Dinero?  Wherever he is, it looks like The Undertaker will be substituting for him!

Nana tries to escape the hold.
The Undertaker lets go after 15 seconds.
The Undertaker gives the sign for the Choke Slam From Hell.
The Undertaker executes the Choke Slam From Hell on Nana.
The Undertaker works the crowd.
The Undertaker is being booed out of the building.
Nana begs off.
The Undertaker uses a kick to the head on Nana.
The Undertaker is going for the pin.
Chad Patton counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Nana begs off.
The Undertaker executes a clothesline on Nana.
The Undertaker executes a stomp on Nana.
The Undertaker whips Nana into the ropes, but Nana reverses it.
The Undertaker nails Nana with a flying clothesline.
The crowd is vociferously booing The Undertaker.
Nana begs off.
The Undertaker goes for the Tombstone, but Nana counters it with a slidedown.
Nana whips The Undertaker into the ropes.
The Undertaker hits Nana with a shoulderblock.
The Undertaker gives the sign for the Choke Slam From Hell.
The Undertaker takes Nana down with the Choke Slam From Hell.
Nana begs off.
The Undertaker whips Nana into the ropes, but Nana reverses it.
Nana hits The Undertaker with an elbow.
Nana covers The Undertaker.
Chad Patton counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Nana whips The Undertaker into the ropes, but The Undertaker reverses it.
The Undertaker hits Nana with a flying clothesline.
The Undertaker executes the Tombstone on Nana.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
The Undertaker goes for the pin.
Chad Patton counts: One, two, in the ropes...
The Undertaker goes for the Takin' Care of Business, but Nana counters it with
a facerake.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Nana.

The Undertaker whips Nana into the ropes.
Nana takes The Undertaker down with a lariat.
Nana runs into the ropes.
Nana and The Undertaker get hit with a double clothesline.
Nana chops The Undertaker.
The crowd is giving Nana a standing ovation.
Nana hits The Undertaker.
The crowd is giving Nana a standing ovation.
The Undertaker punches Nana.
The Undertaker chops Nana.
The Undertaker is being booed out of the building.
The Undertaker executes a roundhouse right on Nana.
The Undertaker gives the sign for the Choke Slam From Hell.
The Undertaker executes the Choke Slam From Hell on Nana.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
The Undertaker covers Nana.
Chad Patton counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

The Undertaker nails Nana with a kneelift.
The Undertaker hits a bodyslam turnbuckle smash on Nana.
The Undertaker executes a bodyslam turnbuckle smash on Nana.
The Undertaker goes for a kick to the midsection, but Nana blocks it.
Nana executes an elbowsmash on The Undertaker.
Nana goes for a side headlock, but The Undertaker counters it with a back suplex.
The Undertaker hits a roundhouse right on Nana.
The Undertaker hits Nana with a punch.
The Undertaker uses a kick to the head on Nana.
The Undertaker works the crowd.
The Undertaker is being booed out of the building.
The Undertaker nails Nana with a headsmash into the turnbuckle.
The Undertaker gives the sign for the Choke Slam From Hell.
The Undertaker uses the Choke Slam From Hell on Nana.
The Undertaker goes for a roundhouse right, but Nana reverses it.
In turn, The Undertaker counters it with a punch.
Nana walks out for the countout.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.

The winner is The Undertaker. Time of match: 0:08:26

The Undertaker defeated Nana by countout in 0:08:26.
Rating: ** 1/4
(Julio Dinero no-showed.)

Where the hell was Julio Dinero?

This was *supposed* to be a title rematch between Dinero and Nana, but Dinero inexplicably wasn't present (which might explain Overpower's lack of activity during Douglas' match), and after nearly a minute of him not appearing, The Undertaker's music hit and the Prince of Darkness appeared, putting a hell of a beating on Nana until Nana decided that he had had enough and walked out.  This will go down as a defeat for Nana, but in all fairness he wasn't prepared to fight a foe as big as The Undertaker.

(As Nana bails and heads to the back, Edge comes to ringside.  The Undertaker
glowers and advances on him, but Edge holds up a hand.)

Edge: Easy big fella.  There'll be plenty of time for that later.  The reason
I'm out here has nothing to do with you or Hardy.  This is all about Dinero.
Julio Dinero, you think that you can dodge your title defenses by not showing
up?  Everyone knows you're a dishonest scumbag already, but do you really have
to prove that you're a coward too?  Because you're doing a pretty good job if
you ask me!  That brings me to my point.  A month back, at The Big One, I won
a match which made me the top contender.  I've been waiting for my shot for a
long time, Dinero, and I'm not happy about it, but after this little stunt of
yours, I think that all these Edgeheads are ready to see me win back my Global
Heavyweight Title!

(The crowd goes crazy)

Edge: So Dinero... you and me.  The Global Heavyweight Title.  Be ready.

Ron Simmons vs. Chuck Palumbo

They lock up.
Ron Simmons hits a bodyslam on Chuck Palumbo.
Balls Mahoney comes to ringside.
Ron Simmons goes for a forearm to the back, but Chuck Palumbo side-steps and
Ron Simmons only hits air.
Balls Mahoney throws Ron Simmons a baseball bat.
Ron Simmons hits Chuck Palumbo with it and goes for the pin.
Nick Patrick threatens Ron Simmons with disqualification.
Ron Simmons nails Chuck Palumbo with a single-leg takedown.
Ron Simmons whips Chuck Palumbo into the ropes.
Ron Simmons hits Chuck Palumbo with a spinebuster slam.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, three.
A fan at ringside badmouths Ron Simmons.

The winner is Ron Simmons. Time of match: 0:00:40

Ron Simmons pinned Chuck Palumbo after a spinebuster slam in 0:00:40.
Rating: *
[Balls Mahoney interfered against Chuck Palumbo.]

With Billy Gunn out with an injury, only Nunzio was here to watch Chuck Palumbo's back, and he was quickly run off by Balls Mahoney in the first seconds of this match.  After a shot by a baseball bat to the ribs and a stiff spinebuster, Ron Simmons gets an easy victory here.

Flying Tigers vs. Overpower (A-Train & Ahmed Johnson) in a No-Countout Match

Red leaves the ring.
Funaki uses a sitout power bomb on Ahmed Johnson.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
Ahmed Johnson nails Funaki with a flying clothesline.
A wave of boos is going through the crowd.
Ahmed Johnson nails Funaki with a bodyslam.
Ahmed Johnson goes for a vertical suplex, but Funaki slides down his back.
Funaki nails Ahmed Johnson with an inside cradle.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Funaki tags out to Red.
Red and Funaki hit Ahmed Johnson with a double bodyslam.
Red and Funaki whip Ahmed Johnson into the ropes.
Red and Funaki hit Ahmed Johnson with a double clothesline.
Red and Funaki hit Ahmed Johnson with a double dropkick.
Funaki leaves the ring.
Red attempts to place Ahmed Johnson on the turnbuckle, but Ahmed Johnson
blocks it.

Red kicks A-Train.
The chants for Red are deafening.
Red punches A-Train.
Red goes for a clothesline, but A-Train ducks out of the way.
A-Train goes for a kick to the midsection, but Red blocks it.
Red tags out to Funaki.
Red hits a Yakuza kick on A-Train.
Funaki nails A-Train with an inside cradle.
Rudy Charles counts: One, kickout.
The bell rings. The time limit has expired.

Flying Tigers (Red and Funaki) and Overpower (A-Train and Ahmed Johnson)
battled to a draw in 0:20:00.
Rating: * 1/4

Flying Tigers and A-Train & Ahmed Johnson had hoped to achieve a decisive result here with no countouts, but this time the two teams battled to a time limit draw.  Neither team was able to come out on top, which is a shame because this could have been a much better match if it had been allowed to continue.

Danny Basham vs. Insane Dragon

Danny Basham runs shoulder-first into the corner.
Danny Basham runs into the ropes.
Danny Basham hits a clothesline on Insane Dragon.
Danny Basham nails Insane Dragon with a stomp.
Danny Basham hits Insane Dragon with an inverted DDT.
Danny Basham puts Insane Dragon in a side headlock.
Insane Dragon is struggling to reach the ropes.
Insane Dragon grabs the ropes after being locked up for 21 seconds.
Danny Basham whips Insane Dragon into the ropes, but Insane Dragon reverses it.
Danny Basham misses with a clothesline.
Insane Dragon nails Danny Basham with an enzuigiri to the face.
Insane Dragon hits a somersault legdrop on Danny Basham.
The crowd is vociferously booing Insane Dragon.
Insane Dragon executes a hiptoss on Danny Basham.
Insane Dragon hits a springboard somersault splash on Danny Basham.
Insane Dragon is being booed out of the building.
Insane Dragon uses an enzuigiri to the face on Danny Basham.
Insane Dragon hits Danny Basham with a standing moonsault.
Insane Dragon uses the ropes for leverage.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Insane Dragon hits a hiptoss on Danny Basham.
Insane Dragon hits a standing moonsault on Danny Basham.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, three.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.

The winner is Insane Dragon. Time of match: 0:13:01

Insane Dragon pinned Danny Basham after a standing moonsault in 0:13:01.
Rating: *** 1/4

This was an interesting contrast in styles between the high flying speed-based offense of Insane Dragon and the slower brawling of Danny Basham.  Basham did his best here to slow Dragon down, but ultimately Dragon was too quick for Danny, and at the end he hit a long series of devestating high flying maneuvers topped off by two standing moonsaults for the pinfall victory.

(James Storm walks down the hallway backstage as NDW Correspondant Derek Nadel
stops him.)

Derek Nadel: Excuse me, James Storm, I've got a few questions for you.

(James Storm pauses, then turns to Henry, glowering)

James Storm: "Why James, why?"  Something like that, right?

(Derek draws a blank for a moment, then nods.)

James Storm: It's simple.  It was bad enough that NDW has... had a novelty act
for Tag Team Champions.  The Global Tag Team Titles are the most prestigious of
their kind in North America, Derek, or they were until "Geriatric" Jim Duggan
and Sgt. Sixty-Years-Old somehow won them.  That was bad enough, but we were
willing to deal with it because it made the fans happy.  Then they actually
turned on us.  They cheered Team Octogenarian over America's Most Wanted, just
like a mutual friend told us they would.  So we did what we had to do.  We
retired Sgt. Slaughter with authority.  And later tonight, in the main event,
we will win Tag Team Turmoil 2005 and prove ourselves the greatest tag team in
NDW by sending Alex Wright back to Neuremberg in a full body cast.  And then
we'll gladly take Dusty's TCW contract in addition to what we've got here.  
Soon, the entire country will know that we are the best thing going, and
there's not a damn thing you, Project Wunderkind, or any of these fans can do
about it!

Balls Mahoney vs. Trent Acid

Trent Acid is handed a keyboard.
Trent Acid hits him with the keyboard.
Trent Acid throws Balls Mahoney into the guardrail.
Danny Davis counts:  2.
Trent Acid uses a flying bodypress on Balls Mahoney.
Danny Davis counts:  3.
Trent Acid throws Balls Mahoney back into the ring.
Trent Acid whips Balls Mahoney into the ropes.
Trent Acid executes the Yakuza Kick on Balls Mahoney.
The chants for Trent Acid are deafening.
Trent Acid goes for the pin.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, three.
The chants for Trent Acid are deafening.

The winner is Trent Acid. Time of match: 0:06:34

Trent Acid pinned Balls Mahoney with the Yakuza Kick in 0:06:34.
Rating: ***

Trent Acid ran circles around Balls Mahoney, a man nearly 200 pounds larger than him, and with a series of high risk moves quickly gained an advantage.  Finally, a Yakuza kick put Mahoney away in an impressive six and a half minutes.  If Trent Acid can continue to deliver impressive performances like that, there's a good chance he'll go far in NDW.

Sean O'Haire vs. New Jack

And... O'Haire is out also?  Looks like Doug Basham will fill in for him.

Doug Basham throws New Jack back into the ring.
Doug Basham runs into the ropes.
Doug Basham executes a clothesline on New Jack.
Doug Basham whips New Jack into the ropes, but New Jack reverses it.
New Jack misses with an elbow.
New Jack nails Doug Basham with a bodyslam.
New Jack gives the sign for the Diving Headbutt.
New Jack executes the Diving Headbutt on Doug Basham.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
New Jack goes for the pin.
James Beard counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
New Jack takes Doug Basham down with a vertical suplex.
New Jack kicks Doug Basham.
Doug Basham hits New Jack.
New Jack chops Doug Basham.
Doug Basham hits New Jack.
New Jack chops Doug Basham.
New Jack is being booed out of the building.

Doug Basham goes for a clothesline, but New Jack ducks out of the way.
New Jack chops Doug Basham.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
New Jack hits Doug Basham.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Doug Basham punches New Jack.
The crowd breaks into a "Basham, Basham" chant.
New Jack chops Doug Basham.
New Jack is being booed out of the building.
New Jack hits Doug Basham.
New Jack whips Doug Basham into the ropes, but Doug Basham reverses it.
New Jack hits Doug Basham with a kick.
New Jack executes a flying headbutt on Doug Basham.
James Beard counts: One, two, shoulder up.
New Jack takes Doug Basham down with a flying headbutt.
James Beard counts: One, two, three.
New Jack is being booed out of the building.

The winner is New Jack. Time of match: 0:07:11

New Jack pinned Doug Basham after a flying headbutt in 0:07:11.
Rating: *** 3/4
(Sean O'Haire no-showed.)

New Jack's first match after eliminating his partner Slash and putting Billy Gunn on the injured list was scheduled to be against Sean O'Haire, but O'Haire was ruled too ill to compete by trainers at tonight's event, so Doug Basham substituted for him.  New Jack fought like a man possessed, taking advantage of weapons and the environment around the ring to beat Doug Basham senseless before finally pinning him with a flying headbutt.  Quite an impressive bout by New Jack!

The Ultimate Alliance (The Undertaker & Matt Hardy) vs. Best of the Best in a Top Contender's Match

Edge kicks The Undertaker.
Edge nails The Undertaker with a kick to the midsection.
Edge chops The Undertaker.
Edge punches The Undertaker.
The crowd is behind Edge all the way.
Edge gives the sign for the Spear.
Edge goes for the Spear, but The Undertaker side-steps and Edge only hits air.
The Undertaker works the crowd.
The Undertaker is being booed out of the building.
The Undertaker goes for a clothesline, but Edge counters it with a crucifix.
Chad Patton counts: One, two, kickout.
Edge goes for a reverse neckbreaker, but The Undertaker counters it with
a backward kick.
The Undertaker tags out to Matt Hardy.
The Undertaker hits a bodyslam on Edge.
Matt Hardy nails Edge with the Mattitude Adjustment Flying Legdrop.
Matt Hardy uses the ropes for leverage.
Chad Patton counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
The Undertaker leaves the ring.
Edge uses an elbowsmash on Matt Hardy.
Edge tags out to Chris Sabin.
Chris Sabin runs into the ropes.
Matt Hardy misses with a clothesline.
Chris Sabin hits Matt Hardy with a rana.
Chad Patton counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Chris Sabin tags out to Edge.
The Undertaker enters the ring and lays out Chris Sabin.
The Undertaker executes a powerslam on Edge.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Matt Hardy hits the Mattitude Adjustment Flying Legdrop on Edge.
Chad Patton counts: One, two, Chris Sabin doesn't make it in time... three.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.

The winners are The Ultimate Alliance. Time of match: 0:02:14

The Ultimate Alliance (The Undertaker and Matt Hardy) defeated
Best of the Best (Edge and Chris Sabin) when M. Hardy pinned Edge after
the Mattitude Adjustment Flying Legdrop in 0:02:19.
Rating: ** 3/4

Wow.  That was beyond impressive.  In their debut as a team, the self-styled "Ultimate Alliance" totally dominated the pairing of Edge and Chris Sabin, laying them out in short order with a series of moves combining power and agility.  After just two minutes, The Undertaker powerslammed Edge down, and less than a second later Matt Hardy gave him a Mattitude Adjustment for the win!  The Ultimate Alliance are the top contenders for the tag team titles after their debut match!

Legend vs. Marcos

ANOTHER no-show?  Here comes Jimmy Snuka to fill in for Legend...

Jimmy Snuka punches Marcos.
Jimmy Snuka uses a reverse neckbreaker on Marcos.
Jimmy Snuka is being booed out of the building.
Jimmy Snuka hits Marcos with a kneedrop.
Jimmy Snuka takes Marcos down with a savate kick.
Jimmy Snuka is going for the pin.
Jimmy Snuka pulls the tights.
Tim White counts: One, two, thr... he sees it.
Tim White threatens Jimmy Snuka with disqualification.
Jimmy Snuka nails Marcos with a flying headbutt.
Tim White counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Jimmy Snuka executes the Superfly Splash on Marcos.
Jimmy Snuka pulls the tights.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.
Jimmy Snuka is being booed out of the building.

The winner is Jimmy Snuka. Time of match: 0:08:02

Jimmy Snuka pinned Marcos with the Superfly Splash in 0:08:02.
Rating: * 3/4
(Legend no-showed.)

Legend has apparently come down with the same illness which affected Sean O'Haire this week, because he wasn't able to compete either.  Luckily his tag team partner was more than eager to dish out an Oldschool beating.  And that's just what happened - "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka beat the hell out of Marcos, finally finishing him off with a flying headbutt followed by the legendary Superfly Splash.

Your Main Event:
America's Most Wanted vs. Project Wunderkind in the Tag Team Turmoil 2005 Finals

Jay Briscoe goes for a Thunder Fire Power Bomb, but James Storm
counters it with a backdrop.
James Storm runs into the ropes.
James Storm hits Jay Briscoe with a shoulderblock.
James Storm uses a rana on Jay Briscoe.
Dusty Rhodes counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
James Storm runs into the ropes.
James Storm hits Jay Briscoe with a kick.
James Storm uses a dropkick on Jay Briscoe.
James Storm doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
James Storm hits a flying dropkick on Jay Briscoe.
The boos are resurfacing again.
James Storm uses a Northern Lights suplex on Jay Briscoe.
Dusty Rhodes counts: One, two, shoulder up.
James Storm executes the 8 Second Ride on Jay Briscoe.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
James Storm goes for the pin.
Dusty Rhodes counts: One, two, Alex Wright doesn't make it in time... three.
The crowd is wildly cheering James Storm with only a few scattered boos audible.

The winners are America's Most Wanted. Time of match: 0:06:58

[Tag Team Turmoil 2005 Finals]:
America's Most Wanted (James Storm and Chris Harris) defeated
Project Wunderkind (Alex Wright and Jay Briscoe) when J. Storm pinned J. Briscoe
with the 8 Second Ride in 0:06:58.
Rating: *** 3/4

As James Storm let slip, Dusty Rhodes of TCW was indeed the promoter that had been referred to, and as such he was the special guest referee in this match.  Before the match began, he got in AMW's faces, promising a clubberin' that nobody would ever forget if they tried the same tricks against their foes here that they used successfully against Team USA after their match earlier this evening.

The match itself was short, but Project Wunderkind acquitted themselves well until an Eight Second Ride sent Jay Briscoe to the canvas.  Alex Wright charged to try to break the pin, only to be Speared down by Chris Harris.  Jay Briscoe was dumped out of the ring by Storm, then the pair tried to go after Alex Wright, only to find a very angry American Dream in their faces.

Chris Harris gave Dusty a shove, but he responded in kind and Harris ended up on his ass.  James Storm tried to rush Dusty, but a quick bodyslam put him down.  Dream knelt beside Alex Wright, and helped him to his feet.

Then... what the hell!?!  Bionic Elbow to Alex Wright!  Wright is down!  Harris and Storm leap to their feet, and as Dusty looks on, they hoist Wright up and hit the Death Sentence!  Dusty, James Storm and Chris Harris stand together over the unconscious form of Alex Wright as we fade to black.  What the hell just happened here?

Card rating: ** 1/2

Match observations:

Match of the Evening: America's Most Wanted vs. Project Wunderkind

What an amazing and eventful evening, folks!  Not only did we see America's Most Wanted turn their backs on the fans, we saw them forcibly retire Sgt. Slaughter and send Alex Wright back to Germany battered and bruised after taking the always lethal Death Sentence.

After all of that, we're certainly looking forward to next week, and we hope you are too.

For starters, The Future will be in action against Sean O'Haire and Damian 666.  The Future is irate at their semifinal loss, and is looking to get back into the running for the tag team titles.  O'Haire and Damian 666, on the other hand, didn't qualify for the tournament, and so are looking for a high profile victory to elevate their ranking.

The American Dream Dusty Rhodes will be making another appearance next week, this time facing Jay Briscoe in singles action.  Briscoe is no doubt confused after what happened today, and will be looking for revenge.  Will he get it, or is Dusty too crafty for him?  We shall see!

Also next week, Red, Funaki and Chuck Palumbo will face off against A-Train, Ahmed Johnson and Johnny Ace of Overpower.  Which side will come out on top?

Julio Dinero has been challenged to a Title Match by Edge.  Will he accept, or will he have yet another excuse?  Tune in, because he has promised a hell of an announcement!

After the beating he gave to Doug Basham this week, New Jack has been challenged to a Strap Match by Doug's brother Danny.  Will New Jack continue his mad rampage, or can Danny put an end to it?

Nana will face Insane Dragon next week, but there's a catch.  The Undertaker and Matt Hardy have managed to pressure management into allowing The Undertaker to referee this bout.  That's not a good thing for Nana by any means.  Can he pull out a victory, or will he take another beating?

Finally, America's Most Wanted will face off against The Ultimate Alliance in a battle which will determine the new Global Tag Team Titles.  With the retirement of Sgt. Slaughter, management has stripped Team USA of the Titles, and it only makes sense that the tournament winners should have a shot against the top contenders for the title.  Anyway, both of these teams are among the most dangerous in the world, to say nothing of NDW, so it will be interesting to see who comes out on top.

Tune in next week, where all will hopefully be explained.


Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
Snabbit888Posted on 10/13/04 at 02:59:51

This was probably the best card I've seen from you to date.  This will sound like a weird compliment, but this is the first card you've done that hasn't screamed "ruleset."  Not that the other ones are bad, but Rick's Rules feds have a distinctive feel to them usually.

The AMW/Rhodes stuff was done to perfection.  Was not what I was expecting, and Duggan/Slaughter certainly got theirs.  Was happy to see them win the tourney, and in such a cool fashion.  Good job.

Lots of no-shows.  Worked very well with the Julio Dinero stuff you've been doing, but with the other two no-shows... eh.  So it goes. :)

Hardy/Undertaker look strong, and they got the strong win they needed over Edge and Sabin to establish themselves as a force.  It also works well with Edge moving on to face Dinero.

Only problem with this card?  Where was racist Johnny Ace? :)

Oh, and you owe me GCW feedback, whore. :)
Rick GarrardPosted on 10/13/04 at 03:36:50

Last week was excellent as far as workrate was concerned.  I've literally never run a card that has done so well as a whole - of course, I usually don't book things around trying to do so, but that doesn't change the fact that it impressed the hell out of me.  
Again showing that consistent booking is handsomely rewarded in TNM based on what Oliver has told us about the rating system.  :)

The winners are America's Most Wanted. Time of match: 0:12:59
bye bye Sarge.  have a nice retirement.

Wrestling legend "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes was at ringside to witness the historic end to tonight's tournament.
What is The Dream doing in NDW?!

AMW did a nice gesture for Sarge's sendoff.  But why was Dusty shocked?  IT wasn't like it was a Dusty finish to the match like last night's RAW.

The winners are Project Wunderkind. Time of match: 0:14:16

so it's wonderkind in the upset and they face the heelish AMW in the finals!  Interesting turn of events here at Turmoil '05.

no just surprised.  ;)

Still, if Wright and Briscoe can keep up this level of intensity, they may well take the tournament.  And if they do, Alex Wright has promised that he will *not* return to Germany, and will instead remain with NDW.
Berlin has arrived in NDW!

Taker and Hardy could be a formidable duo.  I like that pairing.

Where is Julio Dinero?  Wherever he is, it looks like The Undertaker will be substituting for him!
What the?  I hope he didn't have flat tires or something.  ;) (bonus points for THAT reference)

The winner is The Undertaker. Time of match: 0:08:26

Nana fears Taker.  Pansy.

Where the hell was Julio Dinero?
Yes us suckas gotsta know cause it's be's dat way sometimes!  {does the Iceman Parsons headbob while holding his Rooty-Poot stick}

Edge wants *HIS* Title back.
The winner is Ron Simmons. Time of match: 0:00:40

[Balls Mahoney interfered against Chuck Palumbo.]

Simmons not paid by the hour.  And Balls seems to help him.

The bell rings. The time limit has expired.

I amazed they went to a draw.

"Geriatric" Jim Duggan and Sgt. Sixty-Years-Old somehow won them.
Storm having a meltdown?  

And then we'll gladly take Dusty's TCW contract in addition to what we've got here.

SO THAT's what Dusty is doing there.  Nothing like Bitter Bob Backlund was in BCW.  :)

And... O'Haire is out also?  Looks like Doug Basham will fill in for him.
O'Haire and Dinero out together?  hmm.. interesting.

Taker and Edge VERY impressive indeed.

Legend out too?  It's the Night of No Shows!

ANOTHER no-show?  Here comes Jimmy Snuka to fill in for Legend...

Your Main Event:
America's Most Wanted vs. Project Wunderkind in the Tag Team Turmoil 2005 Finals
aka The match I've been waiting for all card long!
The winners are America's Most Wanted. Time of match: 0:06:58
AMW goes heel and wins the tourney all in one evening!

As James Storm let slip, Dusty Rhodes of TCW was indeed the promoter that had been referred to, and as such he was the special guest referee in this match.  Before the match began, he got in AMW's faces, promising a clubberin' that nobody would ever forget if they tried the same tricks against their foes here that they used successfully against Team USA after their match earlier this evening.

Then... what the hell!?!  Bionic Elbow to Alex Wright!  Wright is down!
WOW!  I didn't see THAT one coming!  NICE MOVE!  

Rhodes vs Briscoe should be interesting.

wow.. an action packed lineup for next week!  Looks like it should set up the future of NDW in a rather large way.
Critic of the DawnPosted on 10/13/04 at 19:01:43

On 10/13/04 at 02:59:51, Snabbit888 wrote:This was probably the best card I've seen from you to date. This will sound like a weird compliment, but this is the first card you've done that hasn't screamed "ruleset." Not that the other ones are bad, but Rick's Rules feds have a distinctive feel to them usually.
I know what you're saying.  This week felt extremely strong to me as well, even if the matches themselves weren't as good.  It's probably because most of the matches tied into the theme of the show, while many times my cards have a few more exhibition matches that don't serve as much purpose.

The AMW/Rhodes stuff was done to perfection. Was not what I was expecting, and Duggan/Slaughter certainly got theirs. Was happy to see them win the tourney, and in such a cool fashion. Good job.
Thank you.  I thought it'd take a lot of people by surprise.  The entire reason I did it was because I had way too many babyfaces and I wanted to even things out a bit.  With AMW turning heel and Dusty Rhodes coming in, I figured the last thing people would expect would be an alliance between them.  Looks like I was right.

Lots of no-shows. Worked very well with the Julio Dinero stuff you've been doing, but with the other two no-shows... eh. So it goes. :)
Yeah, what can you do?  Julio's absence at least makes sense according to the character he's developing.  Ever since he won the title, he's felt like a legitimate champion to me - a heelish, slimy cheat who does anything necessary to win, granted, but a legitimate one nonetheless.  When he won the title I was convinced he'd be a weak champ.  Dinero is proving me wrong.  The other no-shows are just annoying.  

Hardy/Undertaker look strong, and they got the strong win they needed over Edge and Sabin to establish themselves as a force. It also works well with Edge moving on to face Dinero.
I had hoped The Ultimate Alliance was going to win, but I was never expecting them to do so in such a decisive manner.  'Taker and Hardy have some lethal double team moves!

Only problem with this card? Where was racist Johnny Ace? :)
He had the week off, which worked well in my opinion since Dinero was also absent.

Oh, and you owe me GCW feedback, whore. :)

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"