Bobby Eaton (w/Jim Cornette) vs Paul Roma (w/J.J. Dillon)

Paul Roma executes a flying clothesline.
J.J. Dillon throws Paul Roma the shoe.
Paul Roma tries to use it, but Bobby Eaton blocks the blow and
takes it away from him.
Bobby Eaton hits Paul Roma with it and goes for the pin.
James Beard counts: One, two, J.J. Dillon puts Paul Roma's foot on the rope.
Bobby Eaton whips Paul Roma into the ropes.
Bobby Eaton hits Paul Roma with a backdrop.
Bobby Eaton tags Stan Lane.
Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane hit Paul Roma with the Midnight Drop.
Stan Lane goes for the pin.
James Beard counts: One, two, three.

The winners are The Midnight Express. Time of match: 0:24:00

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Last updated: February 21, 2020