Bret Hart vs Ric Flair (w/J.J. Dillon)

                                                           They are in the ring.

Bret Hart goes for a backbreaker, but Ric Flair blocks it.
Ric Flair whips Bret Hart into the ropes.
Bret Hart bumps into James Beard.
Ric Flair takes him down with a bodyslam.
Ric Flair executes the Figure-Four Leglock.
There is no referee there to ask Bret Hart.
There is no referee to count.
James Beard is back on the job.
James Beard counts: One, two, The bell rings. The time-limit has expired.
James Beard lets the match continue.
The crowd is popping major-league.

The winner is Ric Flair. Time of match: 0:30:00

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Last updated: February 21, 2020