Hollywood Hogan poses for the crowd.
The audience doesn't quite know how to react to Hollywood Hogan.
Hollywood Hogan uses an elbowsmash on Vader.
Hollywood Hogan nails Vader with an elbowsmash.
Hollywood Hogan goes for a roundhouse right, but Vader counters it with a punch.

Vader runs into the ropes.
Vader hits Hollywood Hogan with a kick.
Vader works the crowd.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Vader.
Vader hits a falling splash on Hollywood Hogan.
James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.
Vader hits a power bomb on Hollywood Hogan.
James Beard counts: One, two, three.
Hollywood Hogan complains about a fast count.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Vader.

The winner is Vader. Time of match: 0:03:28

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Last updated: February 21, 2020