Rob Van Dam nails Kendo Ka Shin with a savate kick.
Rob Van Dam whips Kendo Ka Shin into the ropes, but Kendo Ka Shin reverses it.
Rob Van Dam uses a short lariat on Kendo Ka Shin.
James Beard counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Rob Van Dam whips Kendo Ka Shin into the ropes, but Kendo Ka Shin reverses it.
Kendo Ka Shin goes for a punch, but Rob Van Dam counters it with
a roundhouse right.
In turn, Kendo Ka Shin counters it with an armbar submission.
Rob Van Dam reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Kendo Ka Shin goes for a DDT, but Rob Van Dam counters it with a low blow.
Rob Van Dam executes the Van Daminator on Kendo Ka Shin.
Rob Van Dam goes for the pin.
James Beard counts: One, two, three.
Rob Van Dam is eliciting a sizable round of boos.

The winner is Rob Van Dam. Time of match: 0:11:46

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Last updated: February 21, 2020