KS = Ken Shamrock
JR = Jim Ross

JR: Ken Shamrock... congratulations on your big win over Vader in the Brawl For
    All. You certainly got the redemption you had been looking for.

KS: Definitely, Jim... but that is not the reason why I'm here right now. 

JR: What is it then ?

KS: This may sound familiar...

JR: And ?

KS: I want to challenge Vader to...

JR: Wait a minute... didn't you just beat him in the middle of the ring ?

KS: Let me finish, goddamn ! I want to challenge Vader to... BECOME MY TAG TEAM
    PARTNER ! He proved a lot of guts by stepping into the ring with me tonight
    despite his injury. I respect him for that.

JR: But where does that leave Dan Severn ?

KS: Dan told me he wants to go after the Brawl For All title next and mainly
    concentrate on singles wrestling. That's fine with me.

JR: Thank you very much, Ken Shamrock. Back to you, Vince and Jerry.

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Last updated: February 21, 2020