Shawn Michaels whips Dave Finlay into the ropes.
Shawn Michaels hits Dave Finlay with a clothesline.
Dave Finlay falls out of the ring.
Shawn Michaels goes for a plancha, but Dave Finlay moves out of the way.
Dave Finlay takes Shawn Michaels down with a Yakuza kick.
Dave Finlay nails Shawn Michaels with a legdrop.
The bell rings. The time limit has expired.
James Beard lets the match continue.
Dave Finlay executes a flying bodypress on Shawn Michaels.
James Beard counts:  1.
Dave Finlay throws Shawn Michaels back into the ring.
Dave Finlay hits Shawn Michaels with a German suplex.
Both combatants' shoulders are on the mat.
James Beard counts: One, two, Shawn Michaels lifts a shoulder, three.
The crowd erupts.

The winner is Shawn Michaels. Time of match: 0:20:33

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Last updated: February 21, 2020