Kendo Ka Shin goes for a DDT, but Shinjiro Otani counters it with
a small package.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shinjiro Otani throws Kendo Ka Shin out of the ring.
Danny Davis counts: one, two, three, Kendo Ka Shin reenters the ring.
Shinjiro Otani whips Kendo Ka Shin into the ropes.
Kendo Ka Shin hits a back heel kick on Shinjiro Otani.
Kendo Ka Shin hits a back heel kick on Shinjiro Otani.
Kendo Ka Shin nails Shinjiro Otani with a kick to the midsection.
Kendo Ka Shin takes Shinjiro Otani down with an armbar takedown.
Kendo Ka Shin gets a guillotine choke on Shinjiro Otani.
Shinjiro Otani tries to fight the pain.
Shinjiro Otani submits after 11 seconds.
The cheers for Kendo Ka Shin are drowning out the boos.

The winner is Kendo Ka Shin. Time of match: 0:18:46

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Last updated: February 21, 2020