HH = Hollywood Hogan
RM = Rocky Maivia

[ Just as Brian Christopher's music is playing, Hollywood Hogan hits the ring 
  and he doesn't seem to be in a jovial mood. Hogan attacks Brian Christopher
  and leaves him laying. ]

HH: Rock... you're going to pay for the stunt you pulled at SummerSlam. This
    twip got what he had coming, and now I want *YOU* in the ring !

[ Rocky Maivia appears on the Titantron to a gigantic pop. ]

RM: Hold on, jabronie... so your candy ass is challening the Great One to a
    match ?

HH: You damn betcha.

RM: Hey... Hogan... you screwed The Rock out of his WWF contract at the King
    of the Ring. And now you want the Rock to beat your sorry ass in front of
    the millions... and millions of the Rock's fans worldwide ? Guess what,
    jabronie... you wanted me out of the WWF and you're going to get your wish
    if you smeeeeellll what the Rock is cookin'.

[ Rocky Maivia's image disappears from the Titantron as Hogan throws a fit in
  the ring. ]

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Last updated: February 21, 2020